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Terms & Conditions

The Red Bull Singapore “LEVEL UP WITH RED BULL” Consumer Contest is organised by Allswell Trading Pte Ltd, 41, Sunset Way, #02-05 Clementi Arcade, Singapore 597071 (“The Organiser”).

By participating in the contest, participants agree to bebound by and to comply with these terms and conditions and any other rulesapplicable to the contest. Non-compliance with or breach of any of these termsand conditions may disqualify a participant at any stage of the contest, andany prizes won may be forfeited, withheld, withdrawn or reclaimed.

1. Duration

This Lucky Draw starts on 1st July 2024 and ends on 30th September 2024 (“Contest Period”).

The Organiser may at its sole and absolute discretion extendor shorten the Contest Period at any time without any prior notice to any party(“the Extended Period”). Unless the new Contest Period is announced, anyentries received after the end of the Contest Period (due to any reasonhowsoever and/or whatsoever arising) shall be disqualified. Any participationin the contest during the Extended Period (if any) shall be governed by theseterms and conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) which shall remain in fullforce and effect.

2. Eligibility

The Contest is open to Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, Employment Pass Holders and Work Permit Holders aged 18 and above as of 1st Jan 2024. Employees of The Organiser, its related companies and agenciesand appointed distributors are not eligible to participate in this contest.Participants under the age of 18 years old as at 1st Jan 2024 must obtainconsent from parents or legal guardians and by participating in this contest,it is deemed that consent has been obtained.

Purchase two (2) cans of Red Bull participating products in a single receipt. Participants are to then proceed to scan QR code or WhatsAppto upload personal particulars (Full Name, NRIC/Passport [last 4 digits], phonenumber) and a photo of the purchase receipt to +65 8857 0138.

3. Lucky Draw Mechanics

This contest applies for the following retail platforms:

  1. All brick and mortar retail outlets
  2. Online retail platforms
  3. Vending machines

3. How to participate:

Purchase two (2) cans of Red Bull participating products ina single receipt. Participants are to then proceed to scan QR code or WhatsAppto upload personal particulars (Full Name, NRIC/Passport [last 4 digits], phonenumber) and a photo of the purchase receipt to +65 8857 0138.

Every two (2) cans of Red Bull purchase entitles theparticipant to one (1) entry into the Lucky Draw.

The Lucky Draw entry must comply with the requirements belowto qualify:

1. All Red Bull purchased must be from the followingparticipating products and contain these barcodes:

  1. Red Bull Classic 250ml (8888307882503)
  2. Red Bull 25% Less Sugar 250ml (8888307070252)
  3. Red Bull Plus 250ml (8888307120063)

2. Personal particulars (Full Name, NRIC/Passport [last 4digits], phone number) of the participant must be clearly indicated.

3. Clear and legible image of receipt with purchase of two(2) cans of Red Bull Drinks.

4. Lucky Draw entry timestamp must be submitted from 0000(12:00am) on 1st July 2024 till 2359hrs (11:59pm) on 30th September 2024 to qualify.

The Organiser reserves the right, in its sole discretion, todisqualify any participant that is in breach of Clause 3 and/or found orsuspected of cheating in the contest.

By participating in the contest, each participant is deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions contained therein.

4. Lucky Draw Prizes

The Lucky Draw will have the following prizes:

  1. Prizes - 2 x Winners (Worth $999)
    - 1 x Red Bull x APOL Levodesk
  2. Prizes - 5 x Winners (Worth $698)
    - 1 x Red Bull x APOL Gaming Chair (Aevum)
  3. Prizes - 50 x Winners (Worth $275)
    - 1 x JBL Quantum 610 Wireless Headset

The Organiser reserves the right to substitute any of theprizes with items of equivalent value without prior notice.

Prizes are not exchangeable, transferable, or redeemable inany other form for whatever reason. Contest winner(s) are solely responsiblefor the collection of their prize(s).

Each participant is only able to win once in each prize category.

All contest winner(s) must abide by the terms and conditions of the parties arranging and/or providing for the prizes and the terms andconditions attached to the prizes, if any.

The Organiser makes no warranties or representationswhatsoever with respect to the prizes and shall not be responsible nor liablefor any problems and/or damage there to or arising there from.

In the event a contest winner(s) chooses not to accept aprize, they will disclaim all rights, interests and claims to that prize andthe prize will be dealt with according to the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser.

All prizes are accepted entirely at the risk of the contestwinner(s), and the Organiser excludes all liabilities, representation andwarranties in connection with any prize to the extent permitted by law. Contest winner(s) shall comply with the terms and conditions of each prize.

All brands, names and trademarks associated with or used todescribe some of the prizes are owned by their respective owners. The Organiser and its affiliates are not related to, connected to or associated with theseparties in any way.

Images of the prizes used on the promotional materials arefor illustration purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the actualprizes.

5. Winning Criteria

In order to win the contest, the participants are requiredto comply with Clause 3 (“How to participate”).

The contest’s winning mechanics is to be determined by theOrganiser. The Organiser reserves the right to amend and change the contest’swinning mechanics at their sole discretion without having to assign any reasonwhatsoever.

All prize winners will need to present their emailindicating the prize won, NRIC (or relevant ID card) and the receipt (or Photo of receipt) to claim their prize. If any of these are not presented for prize collection, the Organiser reserves the right to withhold prize till they arepresented or failing which, disqualify the participant.

All of the Organiser's decisions in connection with thiscontest shall be final, conclusive and binding and the participants agree toabide by the Organiser's decision with respect to all aspects in connectionwith this contest. By participating in this contest, the participants agree notto challenge and/or object to any decisions made by the Organiser in connectionwith the contest.

6. Notifications of Lucky Draw Winner(s) and PrizeCollection

The Organiser will announce all the contest winner(s) via the contest microsite and social media. The Organiser will contact the winnersvia Whatsapp pending verification.

The Organiser, its partners and its sponsor(s) (if any) willnot be held liable in the event of non-receipt or delayed delivery of thenotification to the contest winner(s).

The Organiser reserves the right to appoint a third party toconduct the verification of contest winner(s) and the contest winner(s) agreeand authorise that the Organiser may provide all necessary information of thecontest winner(s) to such third party for the aforementioned purposes.

All prizes which are not claimed within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of notification of the contest result(s) by the Organiser to thecontest winner(s) shall be forfeited. Prizes are not exchangeable, transferableor redeemable in any other form for whatever reason. Contest winner(s) are solely responsible for the collection of their prize(s).

All contest winner(s) must abide by the terms and conditionsof the parties arranging and/or providing for the prizes and the terms andconditions attached to the prizes, if any.

The Organiser makes no warranties or representationswhatsoever with respect to the prizes and shall not be responsible nor liablefor any problems and/or damage there to or arising there from.

In the event a contest winner(s) chooses not to accept aprize, they will disclaim all rights, interests and claims to that prize andthe prize will be dealt with according to the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser.

The Organiser shall reserve the right to publish, use thenames and/or photographs of the contest winner(s) and photographs/content submitted by the participants for the contest as materials for the purposes ofadvertising and/or trade publicity, without any prior notice to the contest winner(s) and the contest winner(s) shall not be entitled to claim ownership orother forms of compensation materials from the Organiser or its affiliates.

All brands, names and trademarks associated with or used todescribe some of the prizes are owned by their respective owners. The Organiser and its affiliates are not related to, connected to or associated with these partiesin any way.

7. Publicity

The Organiser shall reserve the right to publish, use thenames and/or photographs of the contest winner(s) and photographs/content submitted by the participants for the contest as materials for the purposes of advertising and/or trade publicity, without any prior notice to the contestwinner(s) and the contest winner(s) shall not be entitled to claim ownership orother forms of compensation materials from the Organiser or its affiliates.

By participating in this contest, you are deemed to havegiven your consent to photography and/or videography of the prize presentationfor purposes of advertising and/or trade publicity.

8. Liability

The contest winner(s) shall assume full liability andresponsibility in case of any liability, mishap, injury, loss, damage, claim oraccident (including death) resulting from their participation in this contest,redemption and/or usage of the prizes. The Organiser or its affiliates shallnot be responsible for any liability, mishap, loss, damage, claim or accident(including death) in any manner whatsoever.

All costs and/or any other costs, fees and/or relatedexpenses that are incurred to participate in this contest and to redeem theprizes are the sole responsibility of the participants.

9. Suspension

The Organiser reserves the right to modify, suspend orcancel this contest if it becomes not capable of running as planned,technically interfered with, or corrupted or any other causes beyond thecontrol of the Organiser, despite the best efforts of the Organiser.

10. Organiser’s Rights

The Organiser reserves the right to change the terms andconditions of the contest without prior notice.

11. Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise stated, the Organiser retains allproprietary rights to the intellectual property used for this contest and ownsthe copyright to all contents within.

12. Consent to Personal Data Usage for Marketing andPromotional Materials Distribution

By submitting your contest entry, you agree that Allswell Trading Pte Ltd may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in this entry form, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012:

a. To administer this contest, including to contact you forthe administration of prizes in relation to this contest.

b. For the provision and distribution of marketing andpromotional materials in relation to this contest and for future promotionsrelated to Allswell Trading. The Red Bull Singapore “LEVEL UP WITH RED BULL” Consumer Contest is organised by Allswell Trading Pte Ltd, 41, Sunset Way, #02-05 Clementi Arcade, Singapore 597071 (“The Organiser”).

By participating in the contest, participants agree to be bound by and to comply with these terms and conditions and any other rules applicable to the contest. Non-compliance with or breach of any of these terms and conditions may disqualify a participant at any stage of the contest, and any prizes won may be forfeited, withheld, withdrawn or reclaimed.